SBS iris app (iOS & Android)

About Project

I was involved in the design overhaul for the old iris app for its iPhone and Android. I conceptualised, designed, and produced the updated mobile app mockups for both iOS and Android versions. I also worked with additional feedback from the project stakeholders and worked closely together with my development team to provide graphic assets. I also made a cohesive style guide and ensured that the design was consistent throughout the application.

Previous app design

The app was following the older iOS style which consists of gradients and textures.

New redesign

I have incorporated a cleaner, flatter design to the app to make it more in tune with the current mobile design trends. 

My team also added features such as the announcement page, Journey Planner, Shops, Bookmarks and FAQ sections, which improved and added on to the existing content that the app has to offer.

The app is currently available on the App Store and Play Store.

Using Format